**************BELL 407 OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK***************
*********************By Emanuel(manni)Dietz***********************

This Bell 407 is tested only in FS2002 ,I dont know if it works in FS2000!!!
The idea for make this Chopper is from Court Hathaway and Sean Shugar ,Thanx to them!!
The light effects are from Sean Shugar.

Installation: Unzip file and place aircraft in FS2002---->Aircraft folder.

The helicopter will float and press light key(L) to opo-out floats. Hope you enjot this chopper!!

Information About Helicopter.----This helicopter is from Onondaga County New York. It is operated out of Camillus Airport, Camillus, New York.
This helicopter was configured for the Onondaga County Sheriff's Department by HAS Corporation. It has a infrared camera, spotlight, and emergency pop-out floats.
It is used for law enforcement and emergency air medical transport.
